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Peter Vido — June 10th, 1950 – June 23rd, 2018 |
[From http://scytheconnection.com/updates/]
“Gramma said when you come on something good, first thing to do is share it with whoever you can find; that way, the good spreads out where no telling it will go. Which is right.”
— from The Education of Little Tree, by Forrest Carter
Many years ago, Peter Vido came upon something good, something he knew right off he had to share. The more he learned, the more he wanted to share, and continue to learn. His appreciation and respect for this humble but graceful tool grew, and as he glimpsed the extent of what the scythe has to offer to our battered world, it became his mission to share the Gift of the Scythe with all. He started down the path of a scythe missionary with no way of knowing where it would lead him or how much he would eventually accomplish. Though he touched multitudes through his work, he still saw a great deal of unrealized potential. The burden of responsibility, to share with others the knowledge and wisdom he had gained through the years, weighed heavily on him, yet he carried that burden the best he knew how. Shrugging at a terminal illness diagnosis, he determinedly continued the work he had begun with more relentless optimism than most of us muster in the face of unrelenting challenges, ignoring his rapidly declining health to give a final push to the humble beginnings of a book project several years in the making, and making one last trip to Europe — where years ago he had earned the lighthearted title “Sensen Papst” (Scythe Pope) — in hopes of inspiring another step towards the scythe renaissance he first envisioned over two decades ago.
Then, early one morning as dawn broke on the other side, he slipped off to more peaceful meadows where scythes inspire only cooperation, not conflict.
What an interesting man and a wonderful family. Makes me want to go and get scythe !
Petrovi rodičia boli veľmi blízki priatelia s mojimi a tak sme sa aj my skontaktovali.
ReplyDeletePeter vniesol do môjho života novú inšpiráciu. Často sme spolu hovorili o živote aj ako ho zlepšiť. Žiaľ v ostatnom čase sa naše rozhovory skončili a ja som nevedel prečo. Až táto smutná správa ma informovala, prečo sme naše debaty museli ukončiť.
Je mi veľmi ľúto a spolu s celou rodinou smútim za Petrom.
Peter's parents were very close friends with my parents and so we contacted each other.
Peter has brought a new inspiration to my life. We often talked about life and how to improve it. Unfortunately, our conversations are over, and I didn't know why. Only this sad report informed me why we had to end our debates.
I am very sorry and I am grieving with Peter along with whole family.
Peter bol náš spolužiak z III.A tr. SVŠ Žiar nad Hronom, mat. ročník 1968. Vedeli sme aký spôsob života si vybral a kde ho žije. Stále sme však dúfali, že sa raz prekvapivo objaví na niektorom z našich pomaturitných stretnutí. Žiaľ, už sa tak nestane. Pamätáme si ho ako niekedy nezbedného, inokedy povážlivo tichého až vážneho blondiačika. Odpočívaj v pokoji, Peter. Julo.